Today is my due date πŸ˜„ but I'm still pregnant 🀰🏽

Ruby β€’ Mother to two princesses πŸ˜πŸ’• 1/18/17 πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§ 10/3/20
My EDD (January 13th) has come and gone lol. Went to my doctor yesterday and I was only 1 cm dilated so my induction date is the 21st and I'll be 41w1d IFFFFFF I make it that far. I've been trying walking, dancing, squatting, sex, pineapples, spicy food, warm baths but NOTHIIIIING lol. But I'll be patient even tho I'm so excited to hold my baby πŸ’•β˜ΊοΈ I can't even contain my excitement anymore πŸ˜‚
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Posted at
Same, my due dates in 5 days!


Posted at
I was due January 7th, and here I am, 41 weeks with no baby yet. πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚


K. β€’ Jan 15, 2017
They're offering induction Monday but I am still on the fence. πŸ˜• If baby doesn't drop, induction isn't likely to be successful so I am hoping for good news Monday.


Helen β€’ Jan 14, 2017
😳 And they aren't offering anything?


Posted at
I'm 40+5 and they won't induce to 42 in England it's driving me mental


Kimberley β€’ Jan 14, 2017
So she was able to sweep it didn't do anything though is it your first?


Kimberley β€’ Jan 14, 2017
I feel for you I was lucky I was 1cm


Sa β€’ Jan 14, 2017
I'm 40+1 ... had a MW appt yesterday and she couldn't do a sweep because my cervix is fully closed an appt at 41w where they will attempt to do a sweep again. I'm also UK. Fed up


Posted at
My original due date is today and I'm still pregnant too! 😩 I've tried everything lol baby just isn't ready.


Posted at
I was due 1/10. I had a lot of pineapple today LOL!!


Karen β€’ Jan 14, 2017
Yeah at the end of that container I felt like I ate a cactus!!


Ruby β€’ Jan 14, 2017
I bought a pineapple and cut it up myself Thursday and I've been eating it but it makes my mouth fuzzy and my skin burn 😩