Tired of Taking Advil For Cramps? Heres The Natural Remedy I Use 🙌


Hey babes! I recently set up a website so I could begin blogging. My latest article is about my cinnamon secret! Ladies, this one's for you.

What if I told you: I have nothing to sell, I simply wrote a blog post to share this with my girlfriend's. Periods are nasty and mine usually suck. I'm a huge fan of natural remedies!

This summer I had a stomach ulcer and could not take my usual dose of Advil for cramps. This sucked! Luckily, I found a NATURAL REMEDY. No more pills for this gal 🙅🚫 Both my stomach and overall body really appreciate it. Plus, it tastes great and you most likely have these things on hand! Its a lot safer than Advil guys.

My tea recipe works MAGICALLY, but of course, itd really help if some ladies tried it out so we can continue to spread the #PainFree love!


(Big Pharma might have a time and place but not when i have monthly cramps. 2 pills every few hours was too much! It also contributed to an ulcer. This is why I use cinnamon rather than Advil nowadays.)

Make sure to share this with your bff and even try it together! It even helps minor pains like headaches 🙌