period late due to stress?

My last period started on December 11th, before that my periods have been really regular for the past 6 or 7 months, always start on the day they are supposed to. I have been extremely stressed this past month due to the fact that I have started school for EMT and stressed out due to work and just a combination of things. I'm not in a relationship currently but I have only been having sex with the same guy for a while, most of the time we use condoms and if not he pulls out, and I am not on birth control. I know stupid if I don't want to get pregnant, but it wouldn't be terrible if I was. So that time rolls around when I am supposed to start and I get the normal back aches and cramps and all the fun stuff but my period never started. It's been 3 days since I was supposed to and I haven't had any symptoms of starting, I will think I have and go check and nothing, took 2 pregnancy tests to ease my mind and both negative, I am thinking it is the stress that has my period like this cause it really threw me off when I didn't start and then I started to stress more. I just need a second opinion on it. I really don't think I am pregnant but if I don't start soon I'm making an appointment with my gynecologist sometime soon.