Is this for real?!

TTC for a year and a half. I have PCOS and husband had a semen analysis in May of last year that showed severe oligoasthenospermia. We stopped officially trying while he tried to change his lifestyle to help with his count and motility. My period was late so last night I took a cheapie from Walmart just to show myself that AF was still going to show herself. And then almost immediately I got 2 lines (without using FMU!) so I rushed to the store to grab several boxes of tests. Multiple tests from multiple brands can't be wrong, right? I might have gone overboard using every single test in the last 18 hours but every single one is positive. 14 positives so it must be real! Ironically, my husband has another semen analysis scheduled for tomorrow that I can cancel so that I can see my doctor instead. I'm in so much shock and I can't wait to call my doctor tomorrow. Baby dust to everyone who still hasn't gotten their BFP!