Starting Clomid....Again!


Hi ladies!

So, started Clomid this month again (I have PCOS). Tried it once last April and it helped me ovulate (but we didn't get pregnant) but for some reason my doc switched me to femara and it didn't work. Took a break, lost some weight, and we are trying again. Trying to stay optimistic but it has been so hard with all my friends and family getting pregnant around me.

Anyway...need some advice! When's the best time to do ovulation tests?

I've read a lot of different opinions. The other thing that is hard is with my weight loss plan I've been trying to drink my body weight in ounces of water. So I'm worried about my pee being diluted.

Any advice is welcome as well as cycle buddies! I took Clomid days 3-7 and I'm cycle day 10. Going to start tracking tomorrow. Doctor ordered us timed intercourse on CDs 13-20.

Thanks in advance everyone! :)