Morning sickness

Hi ladies!  I'm currently 5w3d and have not experienced any major mornjng sickness. I've been fatigued & have had a few cases of dizziness last week but other than that, I seem fine. 
This will be my 4th child & all my pregnancies have been different but I did not experience any of the vomiting with the last 3 either. 
Are any of you having the same situation with not having any morning sickness?  I've read that morning sickness isn't likely to occur til your 6th week but of course, all women are different.  I've been reading a lot of the posts on here. Some women are having morning sickness and others report not having any at all which raises a concern for lower hormones/miscarriages. 
Guess I'm just anxious for my first prenatal appt and want everything to be ok with the baby :)