Pointillism Advice/Techniques

Hey guys!
So I've recently been working on pointillism and wondering is anyone had a favorite brand of pens to use for this technique? I'm using Copic Inking Pens, mainly the 0.1 and 0.05 but I also have the 0.3 and 0.03 thicknesses. I absolutely love them but I'm curious what brands other people like.
Also, to those of you who have some skill in this technique, how do you usually go about doing your work?
When doing portraits and faces I usually start at the eyes and then work down from there, adding the edge in last, but does anyone have a more efficient way of working, or one where it's easier to get proportions correct?
My most recent piece has serious proportion issues, but it's not awful.
Comments, critique, and advice and desired and very much welcome!