Strange period or possible pregnancy?

Ali • Full-time student working on my RN-BSN while expecting baby number 1! Due July 2016! ❤️
So, my "period" has been super weird this time. Normally, a week before I start to spot and then I start bleeding heavily on the day that Glow predicts. This month I barely spotted for the week before, and the days since I was supposed to start according to Glow (Sunday), it's been so weird. Like today and yesterday I've had to hardly use tampons and normally once I get my period I'm going through one every 2-3 hours at most. 
I'm not quite sure when I ovulate, but I don't think it's necessarily when Glow predicts. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex where he finished inside me twice the week that I was spotting. 
So I suppose my question is since my periods are normally pretty predictable in their duration and heaviness, do you think this is just a weird and light period, or could it be pregnancy? I don't want to get my hopes up because bleeding to me equals a period. 
Has anyone had a similar situation and they were pregnant? Should I give it a few days and see what happens or test?