The ugly truth, that's not so ugly.

This is what it looks like to be the mother of 3 (9, 5, and 5 months) Prior to this last pregnancy I felt like I was attractive for the most part, sure I had stretch marks from my 2 older kids but my body wasn't I fixed my hair which had pretty high lights now it's just Plain brown because who has time for the salon. I put my make up on and went about my day. Oh and the sex was great! Fast forward 3rd baby who I've chosen to stay home with nurse around the clock and let sleep on my chest (love her to pieces btw) here I am, this is me on a day I get to shower and brush the knots out of my hair because they are always in the back from rocking her, wearing my husbands shirt that well always has milk stains lol and I usually get held hostage by a 16 lb 5 month old who won't sleep unless she's on me. I never wear A bra because they just get in the way and I can not tell you how long it's is been since I got to cuddle my husband. The birth control in my arm is pointless and if I leave the house I try to be back within 2 hours because my baby just will not take a bottle. But here I am a mother of 3 and I'm loving it.