I'm slightly concerned...

So I'm on the pill, and have been taking it for a year now. I'm on one of the lowest doeses, and so when I finished my last pack, I was off the last week (obviously) due to the placebos for my period. My period came and went, and when it came to getting a new pack it's been taking it to get approved by my doctor because it's out of refills so she has to authorize, and bod it has been exactly 2 weeks since I've been on and I've started spotting/bleeding today. I looked it up online and it said it could be withdraw from the hormones, but I'm worried because it's kind of a lot of blood, it's close to a light period and I'm slightly confused. I would like some comfort that this is normal, and when I get my new pack of pills since it took a while should I wait until after my cycle and this month or just start when I get it and throw my normal cycle off?