body changing?

I'll start this off by saying Im 26 and I'm very confused... last month I woke up one day with terribly tender breasts. We had thought that this was finally it my breast had never felt this bad and had began growing. Well sadly my period had finally shown her face after two weeks of tender breasts which still continued for through my period. (Which has never happened to me before.) I do have a 7 year old and I never got this sore till later in pregnancy. Well the pain eased and I went about my life. We have stopped really tracking. Well here I am again with terrible breast pain!? What the hell gives? Has my body just decided at 26 it's going to change? My SO has brought up maybe the clomid has something to do with it, but that can't be it cause I stopped that back in May after only two cycles. I thought like a week or less ago I had a faint line well a couple days later there was nothing so I don't think I'm pregnant. Has this happened to any one? Should I be worried my mother thinks I should go to my doctor cause this isn't normal but she tends to over react. I really hope some one has some input.... feeling lost.