infertility options... ladies please help! I feel unsure what to do

Sorry ladies long post! Need help emotional feelings 
So hubby and I been together 11 years and married almost 3 years! We have been actually trying for 6 months but prior to we tried but never actually considered it as trying! I have a text done about my ovary having cyst and then finding out I had PCOS! I started Clomid 5-9 and completed it last Thursday! But I don't feel like it is going to help! I'm not ovulating but I don't feel like it's helping! My husband and I are ready for children and want so! I don't like stress about it I'm just aggravated because I'm not ovulating! My sister in love had a similar situation and she is pregnant now! So i believe I'm ready to just take the next step! 
Is that so bad ?? ..
So last night I messaged my doctor at OBGYN, about it and how I would like a second opinion so if there are any good infertility clinics in my area! She messaged that she will call me tonight! So I don't know what to say like I don't feel as if the Clomid will help! I do Ovulation test strips every month and they tell me I'm ovulating but when I do blood it says not ovulating! So I'm sure they do the infertility there but I want them do do more! Like I see most of you go and get an ultrasound to see yours eggs after Clomid but not me they don't or didn't tell me!! So my question is is it crazy for me to want to continue with the next step and I don't know what to say to her??