Is it too early for this to be happening? WORRIED!

Leah Margaret • 3 children to adore, and adding one more! My fiancé Craig and I are expecting pink bows on 06/04! 🎀
I wanted to ask you guys if you've experienced Braxton hicks yet so far in your pregnancy? If so when did they begin? I'm due June 4th with my 4th child. That makes me 20+2 weeks along. I had horrible Braxton hicks with my youngest son, who will be 6 on 02/21, but I can't remember when they started. Because I'm only half way through the pregnancy I'm worried. I plan on calling my OBGYN today, and I have an ultrasound appointment on Friday for a cervical check. I wanted to also mention that I am high risk due to a LEEP done as a teenager and the medication I'm currently on; medication that I can not be taken off of. Please, any advice or any answers would be greatly appreciated. 🤓 
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I've been having them since about 16 weeks. I'm 18 weeks today. Totally normal. 


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I'd drink nothing but water for awhile and ik with four kids it's hard but you need to either be off your feet more. get a belly support band. Or go on bed rest. If they still continue then I'd definitely be worried but yes tell your Dr too


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I'm high risk too. I've had multiple miscarriages prior to this pregnancy. My OBGYN says it's normal starting around 20 weeks. She just said if they start to be frequent( every 10 minutes or less) then there's a problem. Otherwise, it's most likely the baby hitting or rubbing cervix. 


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I'm 17+3, and at my 16 week gender ultrasound, the tech pointed out I was having a braxton hicks contraction. She said they normally start around 15 weeks and are harmless, but to try to increase my water intake to help make them less frequent! 


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I have been slacking as far as staying hydrated so I'll definitely attempt to drink more water and keep better track of fluid intake as well as when the Braxton hicks are happening. Thanks ladies. ❤


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make sure you stay super hydrated. dehydration can cause some too