REPOST: is my birth control working?

I've been on the pill since March 2016 well I guess more April since I started on the 29th of March, but since august my period has been weird when it used to be consistent after starting birth control. This month it has been extra strange, I'm not supposed to start my placebo week until Sunday the 22nd but started lightly spotting on Friday the 13th this week and had all my period symptoms, from cramping the day before to filling bloated the first day which was Sunday, now it's exactly like my normal period, not super heavy flow but heavier than spotting and I do still feel bloated which is normal for my period. Should I get a higher dosage, would my body have changed in the past 10 months and not react to the birth control correctly anymore? Any suggestions? 
Also, I take my pill perfectly! I drop everything to take it at the exact time every single day without fail. Haven't been sick or needed medications at all in the 10 months. So missing pills isn't a problem for me.