Medicaid/Doctor office question

So we are on medicaid temporarily until my husband finishes his probationary period at his new job and qualifies for insurance. When I gave my pediatricians office our medicaid card for our daughter I was told that they don't accept medicaid for new patients, we are established and she said she would have to check if they would keep us because my daughter has only been a patient for 3 months (so we're not established enough?) She said that if they knew I was going to be on medicaid later they wouldn't have accepted me (I didn't even know we were going to be on medicaid). She said that if they will accept the medicaid that they will only do sick visits and we'll exams but will not provide vaccines, she was really rude about it too. So my questions is has anyone experienced something similar or know why they won't provide vaccines? It's just kind of a pain to have to go to a well visit and then a few days later go to a shot clinic until we get regular insurance.
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That's total bullshit and I would file a grievance ( on this office on that specific worker )with Medicaid .. I work for health insurance in the grievance and appeals department and there is no way an office can accept Medicaid but discriminate against what they offer for Medicaid members .. call your insurance asap and find a new office ! That doctors office is obviously telling you they're just in it for the money and as a first time mom to a 2 month old I'll be damned if I let them touch my baby after that BS ! Middle fingers up to that doctors office 


Lindsay • Jan 20, 2017
I spoke with Medicaid today, they said that doctors offices can choose what services they provide. Seems pretty unfair but I guess there's nothing I can do about it until we're eligible for my husband's insurance.


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Your Dr is an asshole, that's not how it works at all call Medicaid and file a complaint. They cannot tell you they will not see you if they take medicaid.


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Medicaid can be difficult to bill and get reimbursed. If memory serves, they require special codes for vaccines that other insurance providers don't require and there's probably something related to that that makes offices refuse those patients. And offices have every right to refuse patients with certain insurances. It sucks to jump back and forth but hopefully you won't need that many vaccines before the new insurance starts.


Sam • Jan 19, 2017
I have a friend who was refused at her preferred hospital for delivery because she didn't have the "right" Medicaid. I don't understand the point in denying only certain services but I know some do. Insurance in this country is always confusing and it shouldn't be.


Lindsay • Jan 19, 2017
They accept medicaid though and even told me what specific medicaid Healthcare plan they accept. I just don't understand how they accept medicaid but deny certain services that are covered under medicaid.


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Not sure what State you are, but in NYS, you should be able to call to get a managed care plan like independent health or blue cross that most offices take. There shouldn't be a cost. Straight Medicaid is tough. I think its because the reimbursement rate is so much cheaper. Good luck.


Kate • Jan 18, 2017
wow, and still with the managed care plan the office was giving you a hard time. that's bologna. how frustrating.


Lindsay • Jan 18, 2017
Before I chose the plan is called their office and they told me which one they accept.


Lindsay • Jan 18, 2017
We do have a managed care plan.


Posted at
Yes my sons doctors office doesn't take it but that is all he had because it took a month to get him on his dads insurance so they took it anyway I don't understand why vaccines would not be included that is part of the reason they come for a check up look for another place