no symptoms, 8w6d healthy baby!

Just wanted to post because it made me so nervous over these long weeks of waiting for our ultrasound because I didn't seem to have many symptoms. I haven't been feeling sick, not overly tired- occasional light cramp here and there but nothing to write home about. Basically, besides some bloating I haven't felt pregnant at all. So obviously I was filled with worry- especially because I had an early miscarriage in October, two months before I found out I was pregnant again (lucky, yes- I know!)
Anyway- finally made it to our appointment today, me, my husband and all of my anxiety. What did we find?! One (thank goodness) healthy beating heart baby measuring two days ahead of schedule and wiggling its little arms. I am literally over joyed! 
Now we wait to countdown four more weeks until our next appointment and close of the first trimester. So, I guess I'm just one of those lucky ones who doesn't have to suffer with sickness through early pregnancy. I'm grateful for that, and for my beautiful little rainbow peanut. Baby dust to all of you ladies out there and if you're symptom free- try not to worry too much, I'm sure you'll be just fine!