worried I'm not ovulating

So, before anyone tells me I'm young and I have plenty of time, or Lectures me on being a single mom and saying I'm not ready, please don't.
I am 26 and single, and trying to get pregnant. I have a fwb who has agreed to be my sperm doner, and has signed a "known doner contract"
I have always had extremely regular periods, like click work every month.  I have 3 different apps on my phone that I use to track my cycle, and I take ovulation tests during my predicted fertile week. I have missed a few days here and there of taking a test, but got the most part, I take them every day during my predicted fertile week. I have yet to get a positive LH surge. I'm starting to get really concerned.
My insurance won't cover any fertility tests or treatments. However, my dr has done a few tests for me under the disguise of something else so that insurance would cover it. She has only been able to do a few tests that can be done at any point in the cycle, and they have come back fine.
So I'm wondering if maybe I'm not ovulating? Or maybe I'm ovulating really early or really late in my cycle?  Anyone else have this problem or can give me any advice? Or hope?