Help, really HELP

My parents discovered I lied in my college grades and made me break up with my boyfriend on the phone. They won't allow me to go out anymore, they made me eliminate my Facebook account and picked up my cellphone. 
I talked to my bf with the iPad (using it right now) and todo him what happened.
THE THING IS I AM PREGNANT and my parents don't know. My bf and I were planning on marrying and moving together before this but we were saving money. 
I need help, I don't know what to do. In our fight, my mom said I'm probably a whore and she doesn't believe anything I say anymore (I know she has reasons and I'm so sorry). I feel like I'm kidnapped since I can't talk to anybody, I can't be in the bathroom for more than five minutos and I can't close my bedroom door.
My bf wants me to go away with him and I'd like to but I don't want my family to hate me.
*They don't let me work and I live in Mexico, where college students usually don't have a lot of chances to work. I want to move in with my bf and start to work but first I should be able to move and I don't have money.
*I wasn't irresponsable, I got pregnant while being on the pill and I never missed one.