Just a big baby?

Monica • 29 years old • Mom of 2 • Military wife
I'm not sure how to feel about my appointment this morning. For the past 7 weeks, my midwife had been telling me my son is measuring 2 weeks ahead. When I saw her a week ago, she had me schedule a 3rd ultrasound even though my insurance only covers 2 unless the doctor requests otherwise. So I had it done Friday and I had my first appointment with my doctor this morning. He confirmed baby is absolutely healthy, I'm absolutely healthy, and that baby is actually measuring 5 weeks ahead instead of 2!! What the hell!!! 
At this appointment we were suppose to discuss my option of having a VBAC since I had a c-section with my daughter cause she was also big, but after seeing how big he is, he said I am not a good candidate for it. He also said my baby is in the 98th percentile when it comes to size and seeing that I'm small and petite, at my next appointment when I'm 32 weeks, we are going to go ahead and schedule my c-section 😳 I asked if they would keep me until 40 weeks knowing he's bigger than what he should be and he said no cause that would be putting me at risk for having a hugeeee baby so more than likely once they can tell that his lungs are fully developed, he will be evicted lol after all that I'm kind of mixed with emotions. I didn't realize just how close/soon he'll be here even though I'm only 27 weeks and it feels so far away.  I have so much crap to get because I'm not having a baby shower. But I'm excited nonetheless
Has anyone been told this or gone through something similar??