TMI With pic not for squeemish. miscarry, random bleed, implantation?

Please offer any experience advice or comments. All appreciated. Feel so alone! 
So I'm Bleeding again. 🙇🏻 
Had what I think was an early miscarriage (chemical) Sunday-Tuesday. Nothing wed thurs last week. Spotting fri-sat (period was due the Friday so seems normal) now I'm not due period until 3rd Feb and I'm bleeding.
BD Sunday, Monday, Wednesday. Today I've felt sore but i done an intense class at the gym last night so put it down to sore thighs from that. But went at 4pm to do my ovulation test and I was bleeding (see picture - sorry TMI) 💔
I had already used the ovulation stick so I let it develop and it looks to me like I'm peak or very close to ovulating so why am I bleeding? 
I took a pregnancy strip thinking it might be a chemical again and I got either nothing or a slight line starting to show. Does that mean chemical? 
See pic. Green ovulation & blue
 So do I assume chemical again and rest. 
Or BD because it might just be spotting and I could be at peak ovulation. 
Or is it possible to be implantation bleeding. I have mild cramp along with one lot of spotting nothing more so far. 
I'm only on day 12 of my cycle is that not too early for implantation? 
Seeking all wisdom 🤔💕