HELP! Please don't judge me.

So I had my first baby back in September and I was so excited! My entire pregnancy was a nightmare and I was miserable the whole time but I was so excited and happy to meet my baby and love her with everything that I am.... I felt that way for a while after I had her.... then all of a sudden everything went in the opposite direction... I know I love my baby girl and I would never hurt, abandon or do anything negative to her but I just feel so detached from her. I've been extremely sick for the past two weeks and we sent her to my moms so she wouldn't get sick again and when I got her back yesterday it was like I didn't have the same bond with her.... like I was relieved to get a break. I'm a full time homemaker/ mom and yes it gets exhausting taking care of her everyday while my husband works... When my husband gets home I feel like I just pass her off to him so I can just breathe and I feel bad. He wants me to hold her and love her and I desperately do but on the other hand I don't. I'm pressuring myself so much to be the best mom I can be because my mom wasn't always the best... it was really hard growing up with her so I want to make sure my baby has the best life possible but I feel like I'm failing because I don't feel close and I feel so detached. I know I love her... it's just different when I'm alone with her... well I'm pregnant again (DONT JUSGE ME! I've heard it already, it's too soon, I'm irresponsible. Well whatever) so this baby is due in early August and I'm so scared... I'm afraid that I'll never feel close to my daughter and I'm afraid that the same will happen with my second baby... why do I feel this way? I'm incredibly depressed and I know it. I also have bipolar depression and anxiety but these things have never gotten in the way of me feeling attatched to someone. What do I do? I haven't told my husband because we're going through our own troubles and I don't want him to think I'm a bad mom...