Down syndrome testing came back increased risk??!

Anna • Hi! My name is Anna ! I`m 33 and I just had my rainbow baby July 5 2017! Enjoying life and undecided on future children! 👶🏼👶🏼💙💙
So my test results are showing a less then 1 percent chance which worked out to be .5 exactly and a 1 in 231 possibility! I'm freaking out and I don't want to do an amniocentesis! What are your thoughts??? Advice??! All the bones structures and body test came back normal and no other signs and of the 3 blood cultures they took only 1 was higher then normal ... I am 32 years old! 
So a friend of mine just told me that if there is a prominent nasal bone and the fluid behind the neck is good then your chances are slim to none! All of this checks out for me..... I don't know what I would do if I found out he had I wrong for feeling this way... I'm not saying I wouldn't be ok with it but I'm also not sure if this is a life I could live and I have a lot to think about! I just asked my fiancé his thoughts and said well how do you feel and his response was just well what can we do about it and he said not to do further testing... I'm going to wait till my feb 3rd appt with my doctor and ask his opinion... if he thinks that I should then I will if not then I won't!