my story

Well I went for a routine check up at 39weeks+2 days! And ended up being told baby hadn't grown since last time and I needed to be induced quickly.. 
went into the room and got induced, 5 hours later.. I was in agony and I mean non stop contractions lasting 30 seconds and coming every minute or so! I got the patocin taken out slow things down but my body went into natural labour and I couldn't cope.. my baby's heartbeat wasn't coping either with my contractions so I was sent to labour ward to start things going.. got to labour ward and my waters were broken, everything started to move fast gas and air was my best friend at this point, got right through and started pushing was pushing for almost an hour and baby got stuck ended up in theatre getting a spinal and forcepts to help get baby out..  finally got my baby out and ended up getting stitches and was numb from waist down.. 
this was basically it.. 20 hours of something that seemed to last a couple minutes and my baby was here! Most traumatic yet amazing experience of my life.  Anyone else get induced sporadically and not know it was all about to happen?