brown discharge on Depo

Hi y'all! 
I got on depo back in November about a week before my period. I did get my period that month after having sex so I know I wasn't pregnant and like many on depo my period went on for a while with the prolonged spotting period that ended about midway December. Since then I've had sex a couple times but have used a condom every time, I'm kind of paranoid about getting pregnant therefore I'm on depo and still use a condom. Either way, I didn't get a new period in December. Recently I feel very little cramping so minimal it doesn't bother me whatsoever however I've started having brown discharge spotting. I've looked it up and some say it's old blood others say it's implantion bleeding. It can't be implantion bleeding right? Has anyone else experienced this on their first time on Depo? Let me know and thank you!