Help with chart!

Hi ladies, looking to the pros for some help! :)
This month is my first charting bbt. I had a weird cycle. Last month I started temping randomly to see how my temps were and they were always above 98.  I think I may have had a chemical as I had a bunch of Evaps which I never had not even 1 in the last 5 months of TTC. I've tested with an hpt a few days after my period and it was negative. Since starting opks, I noticed I have a short LH Surge, only ever got same darkness as control line and never had more than 1 or 2 (always negative within 12 hours of the first pos) Now on CD9 I had the line as dark as the control line. Looked positive to me, but then on CD12 I had 2 solid lines again so figured I ovulated then ...but then I tested out of curiousity on CD16 at night and the lines were solid and dark again... the following morning with FMU I had the test line darker than the control line for now 4 days straight (put it in the last 3 days) all with test lines a lot darker than the control.. but my chart is what really confuses me. Even more so because it's my  first month charting, so I want to hear from the pros! Ladies, what do you think is happening? Is it possible I ovulated 2 eggs?   Or something else?