Alcoholic husband and in laws

Lynzee • Mommy 💗 Business Student 📈 Christian ✝

I just need to kinda vent/get advice.

My husband has a serious problem with alcohol. We all know it. Well, we recently moved and are staying with my in laws. My husband has always drank in private so he wouldn't have to hear anything about it. Well, I have been trying for over five years to get him to quit drinking. He told his step dad today that I want him to just quit cold turkey...after five. freaking. years. His mom told me they all came to the agreement that if he drinks, he shouldn't hide it and just be honest.

I hate this agreement. It's almost like as long as he drinks around us , it's okay. I wasn't even involved in the conversation. Nobody asked how I felt about it. I know it's their home, but he's my husband and that's subjecting me and our daughter to a life I don't want her to know about.

Then his step dad gets on my case saying I can't expect him to just stop drinking. Again I told him that I've been trying for over five years to get him to stop. And his step dad just got really rude and all this other mess. I want to leave. I don't want to put my baby in an atmosphere where that's okay. I have a long family history with alcohol and haven't ever wanted it in my life. They all know that, and it feels like no one cares that it bothers me... I mean I'm his wife. When he drinks and gets mad, he won't go to them wanting to argue, it's me. Why in the world are they all making decisions that effect what I live in and what my daughter is raised around without me???

Am I wrong for feeling this way?