help. december 6, i lost my virginity to someone i thought was THE ONE! its seems stupid now that i think about it. i snuck out & he & his friend picked me up @ like 12am. i got home @ 4ish. we smoked & i lost my virginity. i knew going over there it would happen. in all honesty, it wasnt that great. i didnt hurt. it could be because he has a baby dick or ive shoved other shit in my vagina before. 😂 idk man. i got so attached to him. he is a chick magnet & he knows it. i thought by doing that he would stay with me. BOY, was i wrong . he has a girlfriend now . 😂 they wont last, none of his relationships do. idk why i did that. 😂 i told my mom, so no need to ask. ohh... & im 14..... just does anyone have advice on how to get over him ?????