Postpartum Vagina/Sex

Im 7 weeks PP & FTM & tomorrow my Dr will most likely clear me for sex. Im really sorry if this is TMI & Im kinda nervous about asking about this but Im more nervous about sex so I thought Id ask for advice. How was it your first time PP? I had a vaginal birth baby was 8lb 9.9oz & I had 2 2nd degree tears one needing 3 stitches & the other 2 stitches. Everything is healed up & Ive been in the mood a lot & looking forward to it but I feel so self conscious Ive looked down there today & everyone says it goes back to the way it was before but my erhm hole still looks big & when I spread my legs its so open so that I can see up in myself a little. Does that ever close back up to the size hole it was before? Ive been doing lots of Kegals but it seems like its not working or my skin there is just stretched forever. Anyone else's like this or was & if it looks that way from the outside does that mean its going to be super loose inside? Ive heard PP sex for some could feel like virgin sex again but not sure how it will be. I want it really bad but feeling very self conscious & nervous. Any & all advice is genuinely appreciated, thank you!!