am I done or give him a chance

Idk if I have a reason to walk away or maybe I don't but I'm over it... I have 4 years with my husband been married for 2 years and I hate t I'm done...he drinks every days he isn't abuse but he hurts me with what he says! And he promised to change he don't come home he rather be out drinking he don't try to have a good relationship with his stepson or nothing he says really hurtful stuff and I can't do it no more his friends told him I slept around when he got arrested and one day in a argument he decided to say "I have a wife that sleeps around" that right there killed me..... we lost our child 2 years ago and nothing. Has ever been okay.... he lies he smokes a lot and drinks like crazy and his excuse for that is I work hard... ladies idk what to do I love him but I'm not in love... he don't let me visit my family in California and in the past 4 years today will be the first time I have a girls night out cause I wasn't allowed!!! I told him I couldn't do this no more and he is begging for another chance ... pls someone help me give me advice on what to do I'm going crazy!😔😔💔💔💔💔