Am i just being stupid? or paranoid?

I don't really know how to put this into words without sounding stupid. 
But my boyfriend works a lot, he leaves the house at 5 doesn't get back till 7. 
I miss him a lot while he's at work. I only see him a few hours a day! I look forward to Friday so much. 🙈 
But when he comes home I ask him things like, "can you lay with me for abit" or "can you stay up here for abit" just because I don't see him for very often and I like to talk to him, have a conversation. But all he says is. "Babe, I wanna go downstairs" " let me go have smoke" " I haven't had a shower, let me do this, let me do that" 
Am I asking to much of him? Is he like just to tired? But the way I see it is he's quick enough to go have a smoke but he can't sit with his Mrs. 
I'm just asking for some advice in how to deal with it? What should I do? Is it him just being tired? Or is he going off me? 😣 
Or am I just being stupid. Cus I think I am. 🙄😑