⚠️Help Please!!!⚠️

Like the majority of the ladies on here, I'm currently going through a pregnancy scare and I can't decide if I'm crazy or if I should actually be worried. I really need to talk to someone. Last weekend (4 days ago) my bf and I had sex with a condom (I'm not on any form of birth control) and about a half hour later we had sex again. However the second time around we began to put the condom on backwards but then flipped it back around. According to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">eve</a> I was on the last day of my ovulation cycle. Is it possible that precum could have gotten on the wrong end of the condom and in turn gotten me pregnant?? My period isn't due for about 10 days and I'm really stressing. Any help or advice would be sooooo appreciated!!!