brown discharge TMI!! *pic*

So I been having contractions constantly  ranging from 1-2 and 2-3 mins apart and intense since Monday. Off and on since December 28. My LMP has me due 1/10/17 doctor has me due 2/5/17 and recently got it moved to 1/31/17. Every time I stand up I feel wetness on my thighs and I go to wipe and I keep getting discharge. I have to wipe 8-10 times in order for it to stop long enough to pull my pants up. This is happening every 5 mins. Contracting like crazy as we speak and hip is hurting. Idk if it is normal or not and my doctor isn't the best. Tried to call his office and it is closed. I love 1 hr from birthing hospital been there 3 times since the third. They consider me labor but I won't dilate. I'm not sure what to do... this is after about 7 times of wiping. The amount before I forgot to take photo of. It's not mucus like, its watery soup like almost