getting frustrated. late period.

Caitlin • 21 years old. First Son was born 02/18/2013 - Adopted. TTC for baby #2 but baby #1 for us.
Hey y'all. 
Currently on CD 43. 
On CD 41 I had some very light spotting, only pink blood on TP. So I assumed my period was coming, nothing. 
Today (CD 43), I had some more light spotting, only on my TP, lasted a bit longer.
Since my period was due 1/09, I've had cramping pretty much every night since. 
I've had none of my regular PMS symptoms so I'm not sure what's going on...
I have an OB apt set up for Monday - so I'll see then. But right now I'm irritated about what my body is doing!!!!
This is my 12th cycle 🙄🙄🙄