Verbal/emotional abuse?

Lately I've found myself googling "verbal abuse". I feel like my so has just been really mean to me lately. I also think that this has been going on for a long time and I'm just now realizing it.
He's said things to me like "you put too much value to things that don't matter" when I get excited over something probably minor to someone else but huge to me. 
"You're crazy" "stop being crazy" when I get anxious and upset about things.
"Little is an understatement like you"
"You're big af" as a joke, even though he knows I'm super duper insecure and jokes about my weight are the one thing I can't  handle. 
"U get upset over the stupidest shit" when I get upset about anything really. 
And he always swears at me when he gets mad at me and I've told him millions of times that I don't like being cussed at cause it freaks me out, there's other ways to express your anger. His response? "I have a solution to your problem: don't piss me off :)"
Am I just crazy or is this abusive???

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