Fed is best!

cassafrass • .

So let me start off by saying I absolutely had my heart set on exclusively breastfeeding my second baby until at least 6 months. I was only able to do it with my first son for a month before I ended up needing a surgery and lost my milk.

Anyway, my supply was great in the begining, he was gaining weight nicely and remained in the higher percentiles...when I went back to work at 5 weeks postpartum however that's when things got hard. My supply plummeted and I just couldn't produce enough to feed him while I was away...I flew through my freezer stash in a matter of weeks. I cried and tried my hardest to feed him but I just know he wasn't satisfied. In December he had his 4 month check up, he had dropped from the 97th percentile at birth to the 11th! My heart broke. I was starving my poor baby and had no other option that to introduce formula.

Fast forward to today, in a little less than a month my son gained 3 pounds and grew 2.5 inches! He ate like a piglet and was finally content and happy. I still try my best to b pump and give him whatever I can. It's been hard to accept that in our case breast just wasn't the best. So if any other moms are dealing with this just know you're not a failure, feeding your little one no matter if it's breastmilk or formula is really all that matters. You're an awesome mom and you'll get through this!