Dying sex life

My husband and I used to have a crazy sex life. We've been married for 8 months and I'm 6 months pregnant. Within the last three months or so, he barely wants to touch me. There's always an excuse like he hasn't showered, he's stressed, etc. I can understand it to an extent but this was a man who couldn't keep his hands off of me. In these past months, he's asked me to go down on him more than once a week, but the last time we had sex was over a month ago and I couldn't even tell you the last time he went down on me (something he used to love). I've tried asking if he's unattracted to me and he keeps saying he is. I've gone out of my way to be as attractive as I can. He barely tells me he loves me, doesn't kiss me, doesn't cuddle with me, and tends to fall asleep on the couch. He even told me he's thankful I'm giving birth in April so he can have a "sabbatical" from sex, almost implying we actually do it more than once in a blue moon. I know he's not cheating because he doesn't go anywhere else... I can't help but be hurt. Has anyone else had a similar experience to this? Any tips?