What would you do guys

I just started dating this guy like a month ago. He is a good guy loving,kind,sweet you name it. It'd been a while since I last saw someone so I was really ready when getting into this one. Three weeks into us dating my ex(from a casual relationship) texted me telling he'd tested positive for chlamydia 😢😢. Ofcourse I told my boyfriend whom we'd only fucked using protection he started freaking out and at the end he said he can't go on with the relationship.I let us be, got tested and moved on with life oh I tested clean too. I texted him today told him I was clean and wished him a good life (i meant it) Now he is insisting on us getting back together. You know apologising like crazy saying how sorry he is . But he hurt me really bad though I feel like I had a chance with this relationship. What do you all think.?