Finally pregnant

KK •
  • After a long 3 year journey of trying to get pregnant through everything imaginable from thermometers, ovulation sticks, timing, to acupuncture, chiropractic work and holistic therapy we were so discouraged but decided to see a specialist. He then told us the problem . . . I had endometriosis which makes it really difficult to get pregnant. So we decided I would have a surgery to remove it and see if that would help us naturally get pregnant. Further scans showed I also had andeomyosis in the lining of the womb. So we started the journey towards preparing for <a href="">IVF</a>. We had met with our dr and had everything prepared to go for first stim injections all we were waiting for was for my period to start. Convinced I was just late and didn't read much into it, we just waited. Eventually the dr said ok please pee on a stick just to rule it out! Now when you have been trying to conceive for 3 years you have pee'd on enough sticks and gotten enough negatives to dread this process. So now 1 week late I pee'd on the HPT and it showed a BFP! Completely in disbelief I went for blood tests to confirm. So ultimately by the Grace of God we made it through one of the most difficult experiences and He blessed us with finally making our hopes and dreams a reality! So we are beyond excited to announce that we are pregnant!!! 
    Thank you to everyone who supported us through this journey; we can't wait to see what this next season holds for us as parents.