Induction gone wrong

Went in Thursday morning with contractions but not dilating past one so they sent me home. Came back that night because they were worse. I was still at a one, but they decided to start inducing me Friday morning at 3am. They started pitocin, then broke my water around 8:30am. I made it to 4cm no problem. Then, I got stuck at 4cm for 6 hours. Her heart rate began to drop, so they put me on oxygen and stopped the pitocin. After 45 minutes they started it again because her heart rate was normal again. I still wasn't going past 4. I'd had the epidural around 11am so I decided to take a nap. The nurse comes in and says they're prepping me for a c-section. Her heart rate had dropped again, and I just wasn't dilating anymore and even with pitocin pretty high, my contract were slowing down. We get in the OR and started everything. After the pulled her out, she didn't cry. I began to get worried, but about 5 seconds later she screamed out. After my boyfriend took her to the nursery, I began to feel sick and began passing out. While they were stitching me up, I threw up everyone. They gave me zofran because I was still sickish. After about 45 minutes I got to do kangaroo care with my princess. Her head was swollen because she was trying to face upward versus straight during my contractions! The swelling is slowly going down. I'm in extreme pain but luckily she's okay. She was born January 20th, 2017 at 5:05pm (Just a day before her due date!) weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces and 21 inches long. She's adorable and I'm so glad my baby is okay!