Wish I something really awesome but I just want to start off by saying Be careful of steps ladies or just in general. I fell down 6 steps and almost decided not to go to the hospital. Well I did and they thought I was fine and was expected to go home around noon after a 4 hours watch. They started to fall behind and around 2 pm I started having light contractions, so they decided to watch me some more. Around 5:30 pm I was having contractions every 3-4 mins but I did not feel them at all. Which they said could be normal after a fall that is why they watch on a monitor. I ended up having a emergency c section by 9:30 because with everything going on they thought my placenta detached from my uterus. I had baby Nyhomi at 9:41pm at 33 weeks. I am so glad I decided to go to the hospital because things could have turned out bad for the both of us. I wish I could have given a better story as I planned to do next month but here is mine. Just wanted to say ladies be careful and don't put off anything no matter how small it seems get it checked out!