My infertility makes you feel good. 😠

This girl I know drives me mad, we used to be close friends and now she's got 2 kids and a husband and she will soon be trying for a 3rd child. Ever since she got pregnant she rubbed it in my face and called me 'infertile' because I haven't used protection with my partner and we have regular sex and there is still no baby after nearly 2 years 😕 Fast forward to about a month ago, I needed to talk to someone other than my partner about this because my doctor did some tests and I chose her.. since that day it's all she talks about, most of the time I enjoy informing her of things she may not know or understand but she loves it, she's always telling me about how she's trying soon and how quick it happens and then comes across sooo patronising when she calls me 'strong' because I can get through this.. 😣 I'm just glad Glow has this community or I wouldn't be so strong, I would be alone and not know who to turn to. 😕 I just needed to vent.