just a little rant

Over the past 24 hours I have seen some people's true feeling and it's really weird that a new president can bring this all out. I agree that everyone can have an opinion but when you judge someone race and call black people in general people who do nothing but get mad and destroy stuff. But then they also want to say that we don't work we use the government. And then they want to say all black people look like monkeys and our hair is nappy. I love the color of my skin I hate that history may repeat it's self but I refuse to have people disrespect my ancestors and have them disrespect every hard working black person. It's just I don't agree with trump and I'm not saying that everyone has to agree with me when I say this but I don't accept Donald trump as president. And people can judge me but most of y'all didnt accept president Obama.so one of my friends feels bold enough to write that the protestors are whiny little bitches and they want to do this because they are gonna lose their welfare and have to get a job. And how most of them are black. So I posted this on snapchat and now she won't stop texting me but oh well.