
Ok so quick question. My grandma passed away in July, she lived in California and lived in a family friends house taking care of that friends parents. They're now trying to get us to move her stuff out so they can move someone else in to take care of her parents. My aunt is driving down there next month to move the stuff and asked me if I wanted to go with her. Here is where I am nervous. I had my baby 18 days ago. He will be about 5 weeks old when my aunt goes. The car ride is about 10 hours as we live in New Mexico. The reason I'm really considering going is my great grandma has been so lonely since my grandma died. I can hear it every time I talk to her and recently her health has been deteriorating (she's 84) my great grandma is actually the one who raised me so we're very very close and I think suprising her would be so great for her spirits. I'm just wondering if I should really travel with my baby. I wouldn't go without him so that's out of the question. My husband unfortunate can't come with us due to work (which also makes me nervous I hate to travel without him) but I think it would also be good for me to see all my family and let them see the baby. They all live in California and came down for my wedding in September so weren't able to come down again when the baby was born. Anyways, I just wanted some thoughts from other moms... please no ugly comments, if you can't make your point without being mean don't bother commenting