Back on the Glow train!

Courtney • 👼🏼 2-26-17 and now our Rainbow baby is here! 6-2-18 Carter Logan Freeborn 🌈👶🏼 and Easton Kent Freeborn due 7-26-19
Hello everyone! 
I took a few months off of this app due to the fact I was getting into my own head and thinking I can't get pregnant. My periods have been very sporadic and I can't seem to ovulate every month. I'm finally going to a gynecologist soon so I can finally figure out what the heck is going on! I finally started my period last Sunday after not having one since thanksgiving! Hopefully after this flow is over we can finally try for our first baby again! I'm glad to be back on Glow to see everyone's story's. 💕