I'm so frustrated right now because I just started clomid and about to do my first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> this cycle and today he tells me he doesn't want to have a family anymore that he doesn't want me to be mad but that he'd rather just continue doing what he's doing which is traveling and going to theme parks and doesn't want all that responsibility. I'm so freaking mad just yesterday he was saying how he wanted to have kids and couldn't wait until we did. I'm so annoyed I'm 27 and I want to have a family soon and I feel like if this isn't really what he wants then I'm gonna be miserable being in this marriage. I don't know what to do I decided to just tell him I wasn't going to force him to have a family and decided to just go to the room and lay down😡😭😭
We just started arguing even more right now and I even made him dinner so that we can get past this argument and he was on his phone so playing around I was slapped it and I was like what are you doing huh and he got up and called me a both you ugly hoe and I was like are you serious right now I didn't do anything to you and he said leave me alone you ugly fat bitch like why.....