Some advice pls?

Hey everyone!
First of all sorry for my English, this is not my first language 🙈
So I kinda need some advice, relationship advice. I got into somewhat of a fight with my bf this afternoon.. it all began with him cancelling on me last minute and I guess I was fed up with everything (just so everyone understands a bit more: my dad had a pretty big surgery today and I was more susceptible to everything because of that) anyway I sent him a message explaining why I was upset and he didn't take me siriusly and that made me even more angry. Later I tried calling him but he wouldn't answer his phone, later messaging me that he hates talking on the phone etc etc. We end up talking in the end and again I explain everything that makes me upset and that I was having rough day (more like years tbh) and he the only thing he says is "I don't know what to tell "
To me that's even worst bc it made me feel like I don't matter to him and that I'm not important.
Anyway, I guess all I wanted was to vent to someone.. if anyone has any advice pleaseeee share it with me 🙈
Have a nice rest of your day!!!