Ex boyfriend still has my stuff

Hannah • Passionate
I broke up with my ex in July. It's been 6 months and he still hasn't given my stuff back. I live in a different state now but I visit my hometown frequently. In October I asked him for my stuff and he said his ankle was broken and he'd do it later. I was a bit mad but moved on. In November I asked again and he said he's been busy and I'll get it when I get it. So I asked if he even got any of it together and he said he hadn't bc his ankle was still broken. To that I said "clearly it's well enough for you to be busy all the time" then he got mad. Then I said I would mail him his stuff which has been in a box since mid August but I'm holding it hostage until I get my stuff. Anyways he said he will ship it. Ive offered to pick it up myself in case he didn't want to pay for shipping or whatever and he said if I picked it up it would be from his mom🙄 I've tried to be nice about it but I just want my stuff back. Any advice on what else to do?