Should i be concerned that I don't cramp much? ❌

I remember as a teen i cramped and my period was like clockwork. Down to the the day and time seriously. Now im 33 im not in the best shape of my life and my period is irregular. But usually when my period does come now i dont have any cramping i cramp a little between what would be 6dpo or 7dpo sometimes to the point my  butt  hole hurts 😳. However during my cycle or a day before AF i get no cramping I  just come on. Not even clots or nothhing (maybe a few little ones) but nothing to serious.
Maybe its a good thing i dont want to cramp bad. But should i be concerned at all? Like maybe im not really ovulating and there is no shedding of the uterine lining. 😩 someone just worried that's all!
Dumb question i know lol
Thanks ladies.