Checked for dilation?!

Am i the only one who hasn't been checked for dilation?! i'll be 39 weeks tmrw and haven't been checked at all. only test i had done was a swab to see if i had a yeast infection which was negative and the group strep b test which was negative. the doctor i had 33wk-35wk said she check me at my 36wk appt then i had a different doctor at 36wk who basically said she doesn't do them unless its medically necessary 😒😞. at 37wk i told her i had alot of pressure and she made a face and said "do u really want me to check u" so i said no bc i was uncomfortable that it felt like she didn't wanna do her 38wk appt i had a midwife and all she did was check baby's heartbeat and ask if i had any questions about labor & delivery,so it was kinda another disappointing visit.I have my 39 week appt Tuesday and im pretty sure i have a different doctor AGAIN. the same doctor that my friend who is due today has had that actually checks her for dilation. Should i ask her to check me or just see if she does?! My mom and a lot of my friends just think its odd that i haven't been checked yet but my prenatal visits this whole pregnancy have been kind of messed up.It just kinda sucks seeing everyone on here already knowing if they're dialated or not and that i'll be 39wks tmrw and have not one clue.