what to do?

My due date is approaching fast. I'm due January 30. My husband has been well aware of my due date for the whole pregnancy, and I have known that he has two "dark" days near my due date. On January 26th last year he lost his grandmother. On January 31st eighteen years ago his father died. I always assumed I'd deliver early because there is a certain amount of family history suggesting I might. But I haven't delivered. 
My husband is getting annoyed with me for hoping she comes sooner rather than later because if she comes sooner she risks being born on one of his dark days. I on the other hand am 9 months pregnant and uncomfortable, and know she'll come when she comes. 
I can't help having my feelings hurt by his wishes for her to stay put. I understand that neither of us can control her arrival but it makes me sad that he isn't more excited to meet her. I also fear that if she is born on a dark day he won't be able to hide his darkness and he'll end up putting a damper on her delivery and in the future all of her birthdays. I just don't know what to do